Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hello, Hatch members and those who are keeping an eye on us, I have terrific news to report!

After two years of talking, planning,dreaming and hoping, Hatch may finally have a home. Last night theHamtramck City Council unanimously approved a resolution to grantHatch a one-year site option on the former police station so we canpurchase the building for one dollar. We have one year to raiseenough money to make the building operable. Thanks to all of you thatturned out for support!

This is exciting both for Hatch and for Hamtramck, which will reapthe benefits of having an art center along with the positive image ofa progressive city that takes bold moves to support art and culture. The media has taken note, so watch for stories on Hatch in print and on air.

The next step is ours to take. We will be applying for a number ofgrants and will begin an aggressive fundraising campaign. Hatch will need you to both help and contribute. More than ever we will need volunteers to keep this groundswell of progress moving forward.

We will be mailing out a document that will list the things that you cando for Hatch and the things that Hatch can do for you. It will also be placed on the website if we do not have your mailing address.

Personally I would like to thank all of you who have done so much forHatch. This has been a group effort and it will continue to be. Those of you who have been hoping to get involved or have been thinkingabout joining, now is the perfect time. You can be a part of something positive, exciting and homespun.

If you have questions, ideas or reactions, please email me! I am

Chris Schneider
President of Hatch

p.s. Did anyone happen to record the television broadcast of the CityCouncil meeting last evening? It would be great to put the video ofthe unanimous vote on our website.


James said...


CONGRATULATIONS to YOU and YOUR CREATIVE TEAM! Why is it "Great Things" always happen to GREAT PEOPLE?

Please let us know HOW we can help in sustaining this HATCH success!



john said...

Congratulations to all on your efforts to do the right thing at the right time in the right place.